CHOW Plenary Deep Dive: Leaders at the Helm of Climate-Ready Fisheries
Sustainable fisheries fuel not just the 3 billion people worldwide who rely on seafood for food security and a primary source of protein, but also the communities who need them for their livelihood and their cultural heritage.
Yet nearly one-third of global fish populations are considered overfished. Fisheries around the globe are teetering on the brink of decline and collapse due to warming waters and ocean acidification, shifting fish stocks, loss of biodiversity, and fluctuations in food webs, and the survival of fish populations and the people that depend on them are under threat.
Sustainable fisheries management is more urgent today than ever before. We must accelerate and advance solutions such as climate-informed governance for wild-caught fisheries and aquaculture to support adaptable and resilient communities that can weather the storms of multiple stressors while fostering equitable, inclusive approaches. It will take leaders from all industries and perspectives to identify key investments and innovations for fishing fleets, gear and technologies, working waterfronts, and marine workforce development and propel and fuel the blue economy.
During Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2024, the “Leaders at the Helm of Climate-Ready Fisheries” plenary session will discuss how leaders can look towards the future of fisheries management to navigate changing conditions and shape and challenge our current governance systems.
Join us for the “Leaders at the Helm of Climate-Ready Fisheries” plenary, hosted by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation, for this discussion. The panel will be moderated by Janet Coit (NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service). The panel features Rob Martin (Commercial Lobsterman and Northeast Gear Specialist, NOAA); and Sarah
Schumann (Fishery Friendly Climate Action), and Kerry Marhefka (Abundant Seafood), with closing remarks from Aubrey Church (Cape Cod
Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance).
Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 6th from 11 AM-12:15 PM EST and register to join the conversation during Capitol Hill Ocean Week.