Administration’s Offshore Energy Proposal Could Open National Marine Sanctuaries
5 Jan, 2018
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Interior announced its plans to open over 90 percent of America’s Outer Continental Shelf for offshore oil and gas exploration and development.
As part of the development of the National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024, the Administration’s plan proposes the largest number of lease sales in U.S. history. The proposal includes areas off the coast of Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, including California and Florida.
The announcement advances President Trump’s America First Offshore Energy Executive Order issued in April 2017. In that Executive Order, the President ordered a review of expansions and designations for 11 national marine sanctuaries and marine national monuments. In response, Americans from all walks of life submitted over 850,000 comments expressing support for sanctuaries and monuments — underscoring overwhelming public support to protect these iconic places.
This announcement is part of a public process to develop the final National OCS plan for 2019-2024. The Administration will be asking for the public’s input and holding public meetings starting later this month.
Currently, oil and gas activities are explicitly prohibited in six of 13 national marine sanctuaries. Exceptions include Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, which allows oil and gas activities outside of designated No Activity Zones, and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, which allows laying pipelines associated with pre-existing oil and gas activities outside sanctuary boundaries. In all cases, sanctuary regulations are developed with public input and community engagement.
Many different businesses from fishing to tourism depend on healthy national marine sanctuaries. It is critical that all Americans have a voice in the development of the Administration’s National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024.
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation opposes any offshore energy exploration that poses a risk to America’s national marine sanctuaries or the communities that rely on them.
Contact: Marcus Reamer, Strategic Communications Director ma****@ma*************.org 305.496.4555