By: Leah Izzett, guest author
On October 7th, 2017, Charles County’s local community in Nanjemoy, Maryland participated in Get Into Mallows Bay Day. The event, sponsored by 18 non-profit organizations, businesses, and state and local government agencies, brought the community together to explore the rich environment and history of Mallows Bay and to participate in various outdoor activities.
Mallows Bay, located 30 miles south of Washington, D.C. on the Maryland side of the Potomac River, is one of two sites currently in the public process to be designated as a national marine sanctuary. The proposed Mallows Bay – Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary will protect unique maritime heritage including the largest visible, historic shipwrecks in the Western Hemisphere and cultural artifacts which speak to the founding of our Nation, our maritime heritage, and our national identity.

Charles County Commissioner Ken Robinson
Photo credit: Anne Stark, Friends of Mallows- Potomac
During Get Into Mallows Bay Day, approximately 125 participants removed 1,050 pounds of trash during the 4th annual trash clean-up, kayaked through Mallows Bay to witness the remains of historic shipwrecks, identified native fish and bird species, hiked through trails of Mallows Park, and learned more about the WWI history surrounding Mallows Bay and the natural, historic, and cultural significance of the site. Charles County Commissioners Ken Robinson and Commissioner Vice President Amanda Stewart enthusiastically spoke to the crowd and described their support of designating Mallows Bay as a national marine sanctuary and how this designation will benefit the local community’s character and economy.
Communities petition for their most treasured places in our marine and Great Lakes waters for consideration to be designated as national marine sanctuaries. The local community is supported by the national marine sanctuary system and designations create opportunities and partnerships that strengthen the local community and support public access, tourism, and economic development.
Click here to learn more about the proposed Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary!