The story behind the brand
A brand is more than just a logo, but everything behind the logo. It is the feeling around an organization or a company. It’s the difference between Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts – sure, the logos are different, but they also evoke different feelings when you look at the logos.
When the Foundation went about creating a new brand, we had to think about what our values are, who we are trying to reach with our messages, and our role in protecting species, conserving ecosystems and preserving America’s maritime heritage in sanctuaries.
The brand story is a distillation of who we are and what we hope to achieve in our work.
The wonders that lie beneath our protected waters are hard for most people to see. Coral reefs flourishing with glowing life. Shipwrecks and cultural resources that tell our histories. Organisms that explain life on earth. These marvels may exist out of reach of our daily lives, but they are ours. They are yours.
The world’s most pressing challenges are similarly difficult to see. Pollution. Climate change. Reef degradation. Species extinction. These problems live beyond the clouds and beneath the surface. They grow invisibly, but they are ours to overcome.
At the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, we invite people with a stake in the health of their planet to protect their place in it. Sanctuaries and monuments are the essential network of protected waters owned by every American, and championed by us. Connected by currents, they sustain miraculous species, coastal communities, and our shared heritage.
At the Foundation, our work extends from the ocean floor to Capitol Hill. We inspire, creating energetic ambassadors for ocean conservation. We connect, working in close partnership with NOAA and in the many communities who depend on and care for the sanctuaries. And we educate, showing the world how the sanctuaries can serve as a model for protecting marine ecosystems around the world.
Supporting our marine sanctuaries and monuments connects us to our communities, our country, and our world. They fill those who know them with wonder. They beckon us to explore beyond our horizons. Each one protects a habitat unlike any other on earth. The sanctuaries are places where we can conserve our waters, for the good of the world and everything in it.
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation: Discover wonder.
Read more here: https://marinesanctuary.org/brand/