Plenary Deep Dive — Global Action for Ocean, Climate and Biodiversity
2020 was set to be the “super year for the ocean” with events and actions planned at the World Ocean Summit in Japan, the high seas negotiations in New York, the U.N. Ocean Conference in Lisbon, the World Conservation Congress in Marseille, Our Ocean Conference in Palau, U.N. Committee on Fisheries in Rome, the Convention on Biological Diversity’s COP15 in China, and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s COP26 in Glasgow. These efforts were set to make waves in ocean conservation and global leadership.
With the continued spread of COVID-19, many of these efforts were cancelled or postponed. Leaders from across the UN System are joining Capitol Hill Ocean Week to keep the momentum going and share their insight into the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus, how work is progressing to ensure the health of our global ocean, what the coronavirus pandemic has meant to these efforts in 2020, and what happens next.
The ocean is a system of connected ecosystems, species, resources, and opportunities that support livelihoods, recreation, and ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, climate regulation, and many others that sustain our well-being. These critical processes are not pausing for the pandemic, and neither are the forces that are harming the ocean’s life-giving systems. The connectivity and interdependence across the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus is increasingly important in informing global decision-making, shaping a blue economy, and paving a path forward for global ocean action. How will this work continue in our new normal?
Sponsored by the United Nations Foundation, join the Global Action for Ocean, Climate and Biodiversity plenary at Capitol Hill Ocean Week for a discussion about charting a course for the years to come. Moderating the panel is Meg Caldwell, J.D., Deputy Director for Oceans at the David and Lucille Packard Foundation. Our exciting lineup of speakers include Ko Barrett, Vice Chair of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Dr. Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and Peter Thomson, Special Envoy for the Ocean, UN Secretary-General.
We hope you’ll join this conversation on Tuesday, June 9th from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM EST. Visit capitolhilloceanweek.org for details and registration.