Plenary Deep Dive — A New Age of Exploration
The ocean depths are our planet’s last frontier. Despite covering most of our planet, 80 percent of the ocean remains largely unseen, untouched, and unknown. The ocean supports life on earth and is integral to earth processes including carbon sequestration and climate regulation. The ocean and the life within it are responsible for our well-being, producing half of the oxygen we breathe, providing food for the world, and contributing the keys to new medicines, such as proteins from an ocean seabed algae that was effective in slowing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The opportunities and potential of what lies below the waves and in the darkest depths underscores the importance of exploring, conserving and protecting these largely unknown ecosystems and the species that call them home.
Researchers, scientists, engineers, and even marine wildlife itself are helping to shine a light on these out-of-reach places. New technologies, such as submersibles, artificial intelligence, satellite tags and eDNA, are making it possible to explore deeper and further from shore, helping us take the pulse of our planet and the life it sustains. Cutting edge tools and emerging technologies help bridge our information gaps and inform key players in protecting these special places. These innovations in research, technology, and exploration help us better understand, manage, govern and ultimately protect the marine environment for the health of our ocean and the people, communities, and businesses that rely on it. As technology increasingly expands and evolves, ocean conservation efforts become better equipped to face our ocean’s most pressing challenges.
Join Capitol Hill Ocean Week’s A New Age of Exploration plenary for a discussion on how exploration and innovation can strengthen marine research, management, and governance for the well-being of the planet. Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy NOAA Administrator, will be moderating the panel that includes: Dr. Vincent Pieribone, Vice Chair of OceanX; Dr. Frederick Whoriskey, Executive Director of the Ocean Tracking Network; and Dr. Jyotika Virmani, Executive Director of the Schmidt Ocean Institute. Our speakers will explore the use of new technologies and improved scientific knowledge to effectively protect our blue planet.
Score a virtual front row seat to this conversation on Tuesday, June 9th at 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST. LIVE Q&A will follow the panel discussion. Visit capitolhilloceanweek.org for details and registration.