CHOW Plenary Deep Dive: Food From the Sea

Photo credit: Matt McIntosh
Our ocean and Great Lakes provide a variety of essential services for our planet- including feeding the people who live on it. Almost 3 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as their primary source of protein. Seafood is a nutritious protein that provides a variety of health benefits. Many communities around the world have deep cultural connections to food from the sea. The fishing and aquaculture industries also bolster local economies.
The United States is both a fishing nation and a consumer of seafood and is recognized as a global leader in sustainable seafood (wild-caught and farmed). Sustainable seafood is caught or farmed using environmentally and socially responsible methods and aims to ensure a supply for future generations and the well-being of the ocean.
Yet nearly one-third of global fish populations are overfished, placing many fisheries at risk for collapse. Pollution, climate change, and ocean acidification also threaten the survival of fish populations and the fishers that depend on them for subsistence and their livelihoods. As we look to the future, we will need to adapt to changing demands for seafood, and consider how to manage fisheries sustainably and equitably, and the role that these industries will play in food security and preserving and protecting cultures.
During Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2022, the “Food from the Sea” plenary session will discuss the balance between Indigenous communities, artisanal fisheries, global food security, the threat of climate change and ocean acidification, the aquaculture industry, and emerging techniques and tools that will allow for equitable access to seafood in the face of a changing ocean.
Join us for Capitol Hill Ocean Week’s “Food From the Sea” plenary, sponsored by HawkEye 360, for this discussion. John Serafini (HawkEye 360) will offer opening remarks, and the panel will be moderated by Dr. Paul Doremus (Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations, NOAA Fisheries). The panel features Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar (Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions), Dr. Talia Young (Fishadelphia), Dr. Dalee Sambo Dorough (Inuit Circumpolar Council), and Imani Black (Minorities in Aquaculture).
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 7th from 1:15– 2:30 PM EST and register to join the conversation during Capitol Hill Ocean Week.