Join Us for Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2018!
We are excited to announce the events for Capitol Hill Ocean Week, June 5-7 2018 in Washington, DC! CHOW offers an unforgettable opportunity to interact with marine policy leaders from around the world as you discuss important issues that affect our oceans and Great Lakes. You’ll join over 700 scholars, scientists, businesses and conservation leaders — all focused on ensuring that our stunning ocean and wildlife will be stunning generations to come with their beauty. Registration is now open for the free conference and Capitol Hill Day, convened annually by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
2018 Conference Tracks
We are proud to offer our open-source programming to the public free of charge. The conference component of CHOW provides the ideal opportunity for individuals to learn more about conservation and how they can get involved. The topics for 2018 include:
Track: Visions for our Ocean and Great Lakes
Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2018 features a series of plenaries with leaders and luminaries in their fields to share their vision for the future of our ocean and Great Lakes. These plenary sessions will highlight NOAA’s vision for the future; the meaning of Congressional leadership on ocean and Great Lakes policy; and the innovation and changing vision of emerging ocean leaders.
Track: Working Together for Sustainable Waters
The private sector relies on a health ocean and Great Lakes to support commerce, recreation, food production, and much, much more. Corporations, foundations, and nonprofits are taking active leadership roles in promoting partners and changing market incentives to sustainably use natural resources while protecting biodiversity and conserving habitat. What lessons are there for our ocean and Great Lakes? This track explores how public-private partnerships and market incentives can support conservation and sustainable use for the livelihoods of the communities, industries, and species that depend on a healthy planet.
Track: Restoration of Marine and Great Lakes Ecosystems
Habitat conservation and environmental restoration has many benefits, from supporting a robust economy, clean water and coastal resilience to providing opportunities for community engagement and environmental success stories. Restoration requires strategic implementation, appropriate monitoring and evaluation, and adaptive management. This track explores when human intervention is appropriate, how we define success, the use of technology, and different approaches to restoration in geographies.
Track: Our Changing Ocean
Climate change is affecting our ocean and Great Lakes. In our ocean, waters are warming and becoming more acidic, affecting ecosystems, ocean chemistry and marine life. Increased severe weather events threaten coastal communities. In the Great Lakes, climate change is decreasing ice cover, lowering water levels and increasing precipitation. Understanding the effects of a changing climate on our ocean and Great Lakes is imperative to assessing risk to communities and ecosystems and adapting to the changing environment. This track dives into the ways marine and Great Lakes environments are changing.
Distinguished speakers and panelists from all sectors will address these topics in keynote and breakout formats — allowing plenty of time for interaction and gaining a deeper knowledge of the factors that impact major decisions for the future. The week of conversation and planning includes our annual Ocean Awards Gala.
Ocean Awards Gala
Every year, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation hosts a glittering gala to recognize champions of marine and Great Lakes stewardship. Hosted at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, past honorees include President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, Members of Congress and leading philanthropists and scientists from around the world. The menu includes delicious sustainable seafood, with a relaxed cocktail reception before dinner and a delightful dessert reception after the program has completed. Tickets are $350 per person for the Ocean Awards Gala.
Meet Current Policy Leaders
One of the key highlights of the week will be the first-ever opportunity to meet with current Members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill. This access is the ideal time to share feedback about critical policy issues affecting conservation, science and technology. Get a jump start on your knowledge with pre-event training webinars, begin the day with a breakfast panel at the Capitol Visitor Center, and conclude the day by celebrating our efforts with an evening reception.
“We are proud to offer the biggest and best Capitol Hill Ocean Week yet with new opportunities for attendees to engage in ocean and Great Lakes policy,” said Kris Sarri, President and CEO of the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. “We look forward to bringing together thought leaders in ocean and Great Lakes conservation and policy for substantive discussions of real-world solutions to key issues facing our aquatic environments today.”
Registration for all three Capitol Hill Ocean Week is now open. We look forward to seeing you there!